Apple launched iOS 15 for its iPhone line of devices back on 20th September, 2021 as the successor of iOS 14 with many features and quality of life changes. Currently, it’s available for download and use across all the iPhone devices from the iPhone 6s and all the later models. Similarly, the update improves upon many system apps like photos, cameras, safari, Siri, Face time etc. with a healthy amount of new features as well. Considering this, we’ve created a list of some of the best iOS 15 Tips, Tricks & hidden Features to you to test out.
iOS 15 Best Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features
Scan texts through the Camera
iOS 15 now lets users scan texts through their iPhone’s camera. The said feature can automatically identify and copy the text to an email or document. To use this feature, uses only have to long press inside a text field and choose the “Scan text button”. Here, the button looks like a piece of paper with brackets surrounding it. Now, a camera will replace your iPhones Keyboard and you just have to point at the things you want to scan. Finally, just tap the “Insert” button when you’re ready.
Safari: Move the Address bar Back To the Top
Now in iOS 15, users have the ability to move their Safari Address Bar back to the top of their screens. To enable this feature, just open the Safari Browser and tap on the “Aa” button located at the address bar. After that, you can see a new option stating “Show Top Address Bar”. Simply tap the option and your Address bar should move back to the top of your screen.
Live Texts
Live Texts is a new feature in your iPhone that allows it to pick up any text form your saved photos. To use this feature, just hold down on the picture with text that you’d like to pick up. Now, it should automatically bring a selection menu to copy or look up the text.
Latest: iOS 15.4 Bringing Cool New Features to Your iPhone and iPad
Text Translation
Text translation has been around in iPhones for quite some time but iOS 15 now allows users to translate text from anywhere on your device. To use this feature, simply long press your selected texts showing you some additional options. Now, tap on the right arrow to reveal the new translate options. Also, this feature will work all over the device.
Real-Time Precipitation Alert
iOS 15 also brought major changes to various built in apps on your iPhone. Among them, the weather app also got some new updates and it can now send you precipitation alters in real time. To enable this feature, head to the weather app and open its option through tapping the three line icons at the bottom of your screen. Next, tap on the three dots circle icon and open the notification option. Here, you should enable “My location” option and you’ll receive rain alerts on the go.
Shake to Undo
Now, in iOS 15 users only have to shake to undo any mistakes that they made during text typing. Also, this feature is active by default and users don’t need to search of settings to turn it on manually. It works on all major apps like Gmail, messenger, notes etc. for the users to test it out.
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