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Gmail IMAP and SMTP Settings

Gmail IMAP and SMTP Settings | Gmail Server Settings

Gmail supports third party email clients through the use of IMAP and SMTP protocols. This provides a lot of flexibility to the users as they can now access all of their emails from a single place. Here we will correctly guide you on  Gmail IMAP and SMTP Settings.

Li’l Intro to Gmail Service:

Gmail is one of most popular free email service from Google. It was originally launched back in 2004 and it has over 1.5 billion active users today. Similarly, it’s easily accessible through the web or from its mobile apps. And, it’s also supports third party email clients through the use of standard IMAP and SMTP protocols.

There are many compelling features in Gmail that attracts a lot of users into its platform. For starters, creating a Gmail account is very simple and Android OS requires Gmail for many of its core features. This means that every android devices sold has the potential to add new Gmail users on the platform.

Gmail initially started with 1 GB of free storage spaces to all of its users but today that number has increased to 15 GB per account. Users also have option to increase that space through paid memberships. Other features include support for up to 50 MB of email size, Calendars, tasks, Drive and others. And, all Gmail accounts are protected from various kinds of spams, viruses and phishing attacks.

Gmail IMAP and SMTP settings Step by Step Guide For You:

  1. Gmail IMAP settings

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. Basically, it’s an open standard describing how one can access their mails from the server. And, IMAP loads users mail directly from the server and doesn’t download them locally. This ensures access from multiple devices with faster load times. Now, the correct Gmail IMAP settings are listed hereafter:

  • Choose Incoming (IMAP) Host or Server as: gmail.com
  • Next, use 993 as the IMAP Port and SSL/TLS for encrypted connection.
  • Now, enter your Full name in the Display Name section
  • Again, enter your Full Gmail Email Address in Account Name/Username/Email address
  • Finally, enter your Full Gmail Password in the Password Section.

This might be useful for you too: SBC IMAP and SMTP Settings | SBC Global Mail Settings

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  1. Gmail SMTP Settings

SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a set of communication rules for transfer or electronic mails between servers. Typically, it’s used in conjunction with other popular protocols like IMAP and POP. However, SMTP is solely dedicated for sending out emails unlike the other two. Now, the correct Gmail SMTP settings for your devices are listed hereafter:

  • Choose Outgoing (SMTP) Host or Server as: gmail.com
  • Next, use 476 or 587 as the SMTP Port and SSL/TLS for encrypted connection.
  • Now, enter your Full name in the Display Name section
  • Again, enter your Full Gmail Email Address in Account Name/Username/Email address
  • Finally, enter your Full Gmail Password in the Password Section

Thus, this way you can setup your Gmail Server for your webmail.