iPhone 13 and 13 pro the Ultimate Camera and Photo Setting

iPhone 13 and 13 pro the Camera and Photo Setting Tutorial | iOS 15

The iPhone 13 and the 13 pro are some of the best camera phones that money can buy right now. They combine Apple’s excellent hardware and software features to snap great looking picture anytime anywhere. Although their camera hardware’s haven’t changed much from their older siblings, they bring many under the hood improvements and changes that significantly increase their camera capabilities. Considering this, we have created the ultimate iPhone 13 and 13 pro camera and photo setting tutorial for iOS 15 to guide you through its features and changes. So, read this article to the end if you want to use you iPhones camera’s to the fullest.

iPhone 13 and 13 Pro Camera and Photo Setting Tutorial:

As soon as we enter the iPhones camera app, we are greeted with some of the basic controls like the shutter button, last photo taken, camera toggles and more. Similarly, users can switch between several camera modes like photo, videos, portrait and others through swiping right and left in the camera app itself. Likewise, these features are also available for the selfie camera as well.

Camera Modes:

Here, the basic Photo and Video modes are straight forward but there are additional modes like portrait, panorama, cinematic, Slo-mo, time lapse and others with varying use cases. For instance: – the portrait mode is useful for capturing blurred background pictures and cinematic mode is basically portrait mode for videos. Meanwhile, panorama is an ideal mode to capture images with a much wider field of views than the camera lens itself.  This makes it an ideal mode to shoot landscape photography as well. Other features include Slo-Mo which means slow motion videos. Likewise, time lapse mode allows users to capture multiple images at certain intervals which are later fused together to create one single video file.

Shutter button and its uses:

However, let’s start with the basics of the camera app and then move forward to the complicated bits and parts. In the camera app, the shutter button itself has many functions that we can access through certain gestures. For example: – you can click it once for a single picture or swipe the shutter button to the left for taking burst pictures. Similarly, users can tap and hold the Shutter button to take short videos known as “Quick take” or swipe it right to the lock which initiates normal long videos. Also, users can use the volume buttons to take normal pictures as well. Additionally, there is a setting in the camera app that lets users take burst mode pictures through the volume up button as well.

Using the different Camera lenses:

Now, let’s move to the different lenses of an iPhone and their best use cases. An iPhone 13 pro has 3 lenses on its back namely the main, the ultra-wide and the telephoto. The regular 13 has similar camera systems but lacks a telephoto lens. Now, the numbers 0.5, 1, 3x on the camera app all activate different lenses in the phone. For instance, the 0.5 means the ultra-wide lens for capturing wider images and the 1 basically means the standard main camera with normal field of views.

Meanwhile, 3x activates the telephoto lens that can zoom into images for up to 15 times. Here, users can also manually set their zoom level through tapping and holding one of those three numbers. This brings us a slider that allows us to manually set our desired zoom levels. Additionally, Users can also pinch on the iPhone camera app to set the zoom levels as well.

iPhone 12 Pro The Ultimate Camera and Photo Setting Tutorial

Macro and Night mode Photos:

The iPhone 13 and the 13 pro can take macro images through their ultra-wide lenses as well. Here, the feature is activated automatically as soon as the device detects an object that is nearer than 14cms. On the other hand, users can manually turn on night mode in the camera app or the iPhone switches in this mode for low light scenarios. The icon of Night mode sits next to the Flash icon and is easily visible when it’s activated. Similarly during night mode shots, the iPhone uses long exposure time to take beautiful shots. Here, we should keep the device still during the process for best results. Additionally, users can also manually increase the exposure time through the night mode icon for even better results.

Editing Photos in an iPhone

Both the iPhone 13 and the 13 pro come with a built in photo editor as well. Users can access this menu through the “Edit” icon shown below an image taken previously. Some of the basic settings include Auto mode, exposure, Brilliance, highlights, shadows etc. for the users to mess around. Basically, the iPhone automatically optimizes the images for us in the Auto mode. However, its entirely on us to keep the changes or mess around other settings to create our desired results.

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